I have to admit that I haven’t completely fixed my Scott yet after my low side off at Anglesey. The radiator is fixed and looks beautiful. Thanks go to Graham Moag, who is ‘the’ Scott radiator man for sorting it out so quickly. I’ve still got to sort the front guard, the left hand footrest and just give it a good check over. Engine-wise, I’m going to lift the block to check the top end out and clean things up a little.
I’ve also been trying to get some of the other things done that I need to. The workshop has to have time spent on it from time to time and with a few good weather opportunities, I needed to take advantage of shelf making opportunities. I’ve also been spending quite a lot of time re-scraping the slideways on my Smart and Brown Model M Mk2 toolroom centre lathe. I bought the lathe blind from E-bay last year and although I thought it was a beautiful peace of equipment, it had certainly had a life beyond its initial toolroom existance. The front slideway had almost 0.010″ vertical wear, which I have now reduced to around 0.002″. It’s rough scraping at the moment and now I’m going to start on the rear slideway, just to get close before the more precise fun starts. Roger has machined the saddle up for turcite, which is a very low friction material used commonly in this kind of work. It comes in all kinds of thicknesses and you use a two pack epoxy to glue it on. It’s easy to machine and easy to scrape…apparently.
I suppose re-appraised it a few weeks ago when I saw a Hardinge TL lathe come up on ebay quite close to me. I had been thinking that the Smart and Brown was more of a project than I needed at the moment, so I did a bit of reading on ‘lathes.co.uk’ and thought I’d check it out. It was a lovely little lathe but the more I looked the more issues I saw. The hardened slideways were still worn and the feed shaft had been removed meaning that the only feed was on the main slide axis using the screwcutting lead screw, which was worn. These lathes seem to have been designed specifically to facilitate screwcutting and they have a clever operation which certainly would enable you to do it far quicker than on most lathes but.. I don’t do that much screwcutting, and certainly not enough to merit a lathe only set up for that function. I started to think about what I needed… and came to the conclusion that it was already in my workshop!
I’d already managed to buy a replacement back gear, rack, and feed screws for the cross slide, compound and also half nuts for the lead screw last year. The lead screw can turn around to use the least worn end.. with a little modification. It’s still going to take time but it should be pretty good when I’ve finished.
I also have welcomed a new member of the workshop family, although this will be based at my friends farm: a Thiel 158S duplex universal milling machine. Picked up on a trailer last week, it took me almost three hours to construct a frame to transport it safely, but we made it all the way back to Devon without a problem.