Not everyone finds website navigation intuitive so I’ll try and give some guidance which may help some.
If you go directly to ‘’, you’ll be looking at a chronologically ordered stack of ‘posts’. If you simply go through these, then you’ll find everything on the site. there are several clever ways of ‘navigating’ the site though. Some of these are detailed below:
If you look to the left hand side menu, you are looking at ‘categories’. These might evolve according to the way I see things working, but for example, you’ll find a category on Motorcycles and within that, sub categories of Scotts and then maybe the Silk Scott Racer.
When I write the posts, I choose categories that I think the post pertains to and so by choosing one of the categories, you will see everything that I’ve decided fits into them. Many posts will span different categories.
As a note on this, the category ‘New posts’ simply denotes current work. Many of my newly written posts are not in ‘New posts’ as they are giving historical information. I put these in ‘Historical posts’.
These categories are supposed to be fairly common themes in the site, so I’m not going to have a category on ‘clutch cables’ if I only ever mention it once. There is however another facility to help find small details within a post and that is by looking at the ‘tags’.
Tags are not automatically generated but are put on by me when a post is written and act as an index of important key words (or phrases) in a post. They are shown on the site in the form of a ‘tag cloud’ which is simply all the tags in a mass together. The size of the words (or phrases) within the cloud is relevant as it indicates the frequency that tag comes up within posts. A tag that comes up a lot should probably be a category as it is so commonly referenced.
By using the category and tag searching, you will be able to find information combined together in completely different ways.
Other search methods
There are also other ways of searching. A calendar shows when I’ve submitted posts and you can click on dates to see what I’ve written when. Also there are lists of popular posts (may actually indicate odd subjects as people will simply find things through google, such as the Don Quixote quote) as well as the list of most recent posts.
There’s also a search box.
Please comment if you have something interesting, encouraging or constructively critical to add. I really want this site to be a place that shares knowledge, experience and stories.
Important note:
You will not see comments simply by looking at the post as it appears in the chronological list of posts, or within a category. You must ‘click’ on the title of the post, or the word ‘comments’ just below it to see the post separately to everything else, and this will display comments below.
I’m hoping that comments will allow the subjects to grow and other stories emerge so make sure that if you want to see everything that comes with a post, click on the title of it.
Please get in touch if you have anything you’d like to contribute… photo’s, videos, pictures, stories.
I hope you enjoy the site.